Medina (Arabic: المدينة) (literally: the City) is the second most religious city for Muslims which is located in Saudi Arabia. The Prophet’s (s) emigration to this city marks the beginning of the Islamic Calendar. It had been named as Yathrib before the emigration of the Prophet (s). Medina is located in north east of Mecca in Hijaz region. The distance between Medina and Mecca is 450 Km.
Medina is the first capital of Islam and has many holy places, including the tomb of the Prophet (s), al-Masjid al-Nabi and al-Baqi’ cemetery. Battle of the Prophet (a) with the Jews of Medina, al-Harra tragedy, and uprising of al-Nafs al-Zakiyya are some of important historical events of Medina. Most of Shi’a Imams (a) had been residing in Medina.
Traveling to this city, visiting its holy sites and saying prayers in al-Masjid al-Nabawai is an inseparable part of the journey of Mulisms who embark on Hajj or ‘umra.